
Sunday Services

Everyone is welcome at our Sunday services. The church is wheelchair friendly and an induction loop service is available.

8.00am Traditional Service

This service of Holy Communion uses the Anglican Prayer Book (BCP or APBA), with hymns accompanied on the organ.

10.00am Morning Service

An informal all ages, family-friendly service, with Sunday School for children during school term for primary and high school aged children. Younger children can stay with their parents at the back of church where toys are available for quiet play.

Safe Ministry

St Peters takes the safety of children and vulnerable people very seriously. All leaders complete mandatory Safe Ministry training and have a current NSW Working With Children Check.

Previous Sermons

Recent sermons can be found on our Facebook page, and older sermons can be found on our YouTube channel and on this sermon podcast page.

Daily Devotions

A collection of 100+ short daily devotions were recorded during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, encouraging us to slow down and rest in God’s goodness. Spend a few minutes each day learning more about His character and love for us. The devotions are available on our YouTube channel.

Our Easy English Church service is on every Thursday at 12pm following our

ESL classes which run from 10am-12pm.